

ASI Turbo-Dri Dryers: Classic Style, Durable Construction and Powerful Performance!

ASI Turbo Dri hand dryers thoroughly dry hands in minimal time utilizing infrared sensors for no-touch operation, resulting in a more sanitary drying experience. With auto-resetting thermostats in addition to other adjustable features, Turbo-Dri high speed ASI hand dryers are constructed out of durable, heavy-duty materials and are tamper-resistant. We carry several models of ASI Turbo Dri hand dryers including the ADA compliant ASI 0134 Turbo-Tuff Fully Recessed Automatic High Speed hand dryer which powerfully dries hands in less than 15 seconds. The Turbo ADA 0199 Surface Mounted High-Speed hand dryer provides a complete dry in just 12 seconds and is proven to be energy efficient. The ASI Roval 0197 Turbo-Dri and ASI 0198 Turbo-Dri Junior Surface Mounted high-speed hand dryers also dry hands in under 15 seconds and are both cost and energy efficient, especially when compared to using paper towels. The Roval line also includes an ADA compliant dryer, the ASI 20199 Semi-Recessed High-Speed automatic hand dryer, which is backed by a solid five year warranty, as are all the ASI Turbo-Dri hand dryers we have in stock. Simple to install with a classic hand dryer design that compliments any restroom, Turbo-Dri high speed ASI hand dryers will provide significant benefits for your facility and are an excellent alternative to paper towels.