A Clean Business - How To Choose The Perfect Hand Dryer

Hand dryers have become a standard fixture in public restrooms, providing a quick and efficient way to dry your hands after washing. They offer many advantages over paper towels, making them an attractive option for businesses looking to improve the hygiene and sustainability of their facilities. Plus, they come in many types and brands, meeting the specific needs of many businesses. But what are they exactly? What benefits do they offer? More importantly, how does one pick the right hand dryer for one's business? Let's answer all of those questions today:

What Is a Hand Dryer?

A hand dryer is an electronic device that uses air to dry hands after they have been washed. They come in various designs, sizes, and power levels, but all work on the same principle: a motor-driven fan blows heated air across the hands, evaporating the moisture and drying the skin. Hand dryers can be either automatic, activated by a motion sensor, or manual, requiring a button to be pressed to start the air stream.

What Are the Benefits of Having a Hand Dryer in a Business?

There are many benefits to be had from setting up hand driers in a business:

1. Improved Hygiene

Hand dryers can help maintain a cleaner and more hygienic environment in your restrooms. By eliminating the need for paper towels, you reduce the risk of cross-contamination from used towels and the potential for bacteria to grow in waste bins. Additionally, many automatic hand dryers are touch-free, further minimizing the risk of spreading germs.

2. Cost Savings

While the initial investment in hand dryers may be higher than purchasing paper towels and dispensers, the long-term savings can be significant. Hand dryers require less maintenance and no restocking, reducing labor costs. The energy consumption of modern hand dryers is relatively low, and they can last for years with proper care, making them a cost-effective solution in the long run.

3. Environmental Benefits

Hand dryers are an eco-friendly alternative to paper towels, which contribute to deforestation and generate waste. By eliminating the need for paper towels, you reduce your business's environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable future. Many hand dryers are also designed to be energy-efficient, further reducing your carbon footprint.

4. Enhanced Customer Experience

Providing a clean and well-maintained restroom can significantly impact the overall customer experience. Hand dryers offer a modern and efficient way for patrons to dry their hands, leaving a positive impression and demonstrating your commitment to hygiene and sustainability.

5. Space Savings

Hand dryers take up less space than paper towel dispensers and waste bins, making them a practical solution for small restrooms or those with limited wall space. This can be particularly beneficial in businesses with high foot traffic, where space is at a premium.

6. Reduced Vandalism and Maintenance

Paper towel dispensers can be targets for vandalism, leading to increased maintenance costs and an unsightly appearance. Hand dryers are more difficult to tamper with and require less frequent attention, allowing your maintenance team to focus on other tasks.

How Do I Choose the Right Hand Dryer?

To pick the right hand dryer for your business, it is vital to consider the following things:

1. Energy Efficiency and Eco-friendliness

Energy efficiency is a crucial factor to consider when choosing a hand dryer for your business. Look for models that have lower energy consumption, as it will not only reduce your energy bills but also contribute towards a greener environment. Opt for hand dryers with energy-efficient features like automatic shut-off, heat adjustments, and high-speed drying. Many modern hand dryers come with the Energy Star certification, which ensures that they meet energy-saving guidelines and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Drying Time

The drying time of a hand dryer is a significant factor in determining customer satisfaction. Faster drying times lead to reduced waiting times and less congestion in the restroom, resulting in a better overall experience for your customers. High-speed hand dryers can dry hands in as little as 10-15 seconds, making them an ideal choice for busy restrooms.

3. Noise Level

Consider the noise level of the hand dryer before making a purchase. Loud hand dryers can be annoying and disruptive, especially in settings like offices, restaurants, or hotels. Many hand dryers in the market come with adjustable sound levels, so you can choose a setting that best suits your business environment. Look for hand dryers with a noise level of 70 decibels or lower to ensure a comfortable user experience.

4. Durability and Maintenance

The durability of a hand dryer is an essential factor to consider, as it directly impacts the maintenance costs and the longevity of the product. Opt for a hand dryer made of high-quality materials like stainless steel or reinforced plastic, as they are less prone to wear and tear. Additionally, choose a hand dryer with a robust motor and a good warranty period to ensure long-lasting performance with minimum maintenance.

5. Design and Aesthetics

The design of a hand dryer plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall aesthetics of your restroom. Choose a hand dryer that complements the interior design and color scheme of your restroom. There are various designs, colors, and finishes available in the market, so you can easily find a hand dryer that suits your business's style and décor.

6. ADA Compliance

If your business is in the United States, you must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines for restroom facilities. The act mandates that hand dryers should be easily accessible and usable by people with disabilities. Ensure that the hand dryer you choose is ADA-compliant and can be installed at the appropriate height and location for easy access.

7. Features

Consider the various features and functionalities that different hand dryers offer. Some popular features include adjustable speed and heat settings, energy-efficient technology, antimicrobial coatings, and touchless operation. Some even offer a wash feature, too, such as this Dyson product. Either way, look for a hand dryer with features that align with your business's values and requirements, such as sustainability or hygiene.

8. Budget

Lastly, consider your budget while choosing a hand dryer for your business. There is a wide range of hand dryers available in the market, with varying features and price points. Determine how much you are willing to spend and choose a hand dryer that offers the best value for your money. Keep in mind that investing in a high-quality, energy-efficient hand dryer might be more cost-effective in the long run, as it will save on energy bills and reduce maintenance costs.


All in all, hand dryers offer numerous benefits for businesses, including improved hygiene, cost savings, environmental benefits, enhanced customer experience, space savings, and reduced vandalism and maintenance. By investing in the right hand dryers for your restrooms, you can create a cleaner, more sustainable, and user-friendly environment for all who visit your establishment!

Hand Dryer Supply offers a wide selection of electric hand dryers to meet the needs of any restroom in a variety of businesses. If you are looking for hand dryers for your business, check out what we offer.

18th Apr 2023 Hand Dryer Supply

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